Thursday, October 20, 2016

(ITALIAN) Bullismo: Il mio pensiero

(Fonte: Tumblr)

Bullismo: Il mio pensiero.

Il Bullismo è, purtroppo, la piaga del secolo.
Se ne dovrebbe parlare di più, questo mi ha spinto a scrivere questo piccolo articolo.

Secondo gli studi istat, nel 2014, il 50% dei ragazzi fra gli 11 e i 17 anni, sono stati vittime di bullismo fra i banchi di scuola, addirittura il 19,8% ogni mese e uno scoinvolgente 9,1% ogni singola settimana. 
La maggior parte delle vittime erano ragazze, ma anche i maschi non sono esenti da questa barbarie che avviene sotto gli occhi di educatori ed insegnanti che non intervengono.

Io per prima, sono stata vittima di atti di bullismo, per la maggior parte della mia carriera scolastica e anche fuori dalla scuola. 
La maggior parte delle ragazze appartenenti alla mia categoria, ovvero la categoria delle persone non fisicamente accettabili dalla legge morale del più figo, del più popolare e delle persone sociali, potranno capire le mie parole.

Ok, stavolta non darò tutta la colpa all'Italia, come faccio di solito, qui il problema è ben radicato e va spiegato, senza mollare troppe colpe a questo povero stato.

Sarò buona, ma non troppo, nel dirvi che la maggior parte dei bulletti, al contrario di quello che credete, non sono poveri bambini che hanno subito violenze oppure fanno parte di un ceto sociale basso o tutte queste belle favole, perchè, signori miei, non è assolutamente vero.

E' bene scaricare tutte le colpe sui "meno fortunati" così da giustificare lo schifo che fanno, ma non è la cosa giusta da fare, proprio no.
Personalmente la mia piaga scolastica, la persona che non mi ha dato tregue per tutte le scuole medie, era una ragazzina piuttosto agiata, con genitori altolocati e dall'aspetto curato, simbolo della cura che i genitori si prendevano cura di lei.
Eppure, i suoi comportamenti nei miei confronti erano davvero pesanti, nonostante io abbia avuto al mio fianco una persona che mi ha sempre difesa e lo fa tuttora.

Ma non è di me che voglio parlare, almeno non ancora, ma voglio farvi capire:
 La colpa è vostra.

Si esatto, è vostra. E' di chi vede questi atti e non fa nulla.
E' di chi non si oppone.
E' di chi fa finta di niente e giustifica il tutto con "ma son ragazzi"

Perché no, non sono ragazzi, non dovrebbero comportarsi così, nessuno dovrebbe passare un percorso importante come quello scolastico, tormentato da violenze fisiche e morali.
Lascia dei segni che sono difficili da cancellare e alcune di noi non si riprenderanno mai, altri potranno reagire per risentimento, altri invece penseranno che è troppo.

Dico che è una piaga, perchè lo è davvero, tantissimi ragazzi e ragazze si tolgono la vita per le violenze subite e no,non sto parlando solo di suicidio: Sto parlando di persone che si chiudono nel loro guscio e non ne escono, che non avranno mai più amici, perché non si fideranno mai più di nessuno e che perderanno, per sempre, interesse nella vita.

Quindi, come fate, davvero, a descrivere una cosa del genere come "una ragazzata"?
Lo dico spesso ormai: "Non fate mai agli altri, quello che non vorreste fosse fatto a voi" e prendetelo come filosofia della vita, perché se la pensassimo tutti così, forse sarebbe un mondo migliore.

Se avete avuto esperienze di bullismo, contattami al mio indirizzo e-mail: Ho in mente un grande progetto, che spero di poter mettere in atto. 

Grazie per aver letto questo sfogo, alla prossima.

Monday, October 17, 2016

(ITALIAN) Stereotypes

Essere nata negli anni 90 è stato, per me, un vantaggio.
Eravamo tutti più liberi, ma anche più soli.

Non eravamo schiavi della tecnologia, alla ricerca assetata di like e condivisioni, di un'approvazione da migliaia di sconosciuti, solo per sentirci meno soli e più accettati.

Ecco, questa però è stata la sensazione, la fame, di tutta un'adolescenza, per me.

Il 4 febbraio 2004 è nato il nostro amato facebook, ma non è stata la prole di Mark Zuckerberg il mio primo social, bensì Netlog, nota piattaforma (ormai affondata da anni) che custodisce silenziosamente tutti i nostri ORRORI adolescenziali.
Nel mio caso, nasconde quatto quatto la mia epoca più oscura, quella dove volevo “essere alternativa ed esprimere me stessa” vestendomi come altri 200 adolescenti, solo perchè la fama che li precedeva mi affascinava.
Insomma, sotto il celebre (?) nome di Suicide_Doll_Killer_VF c'ero io, una sottospecie di Scene Queen versione poraccia, che cercava di emergere in mezzo a milioni di ragazzi e ragazze su Netlog.
Ero piuttosto piccola, credo 13 enne, non avevo la più pallida idea di che inferno fosse internet, quindi postavo e postavo e postavo foto fatte con una macchinetta fotografica del supermercato con abiti comprati al mercato di quartiere modificati da me e extension colorate comprate con i risparmietti.

Tuttavia, si sa, alla gente piacciono sempre le cose expensive, e io, 13 enne e povera in canna, non avevo certo tutto quello che serviva per essere una Scene Queen da manuale. Quindi, la mia ascesa verso Queen dei Train di Netlog fu più una discesa, perchè oltre che non essere minimamente cagata da nessuno, mi beccai pure un paio di insulti dai truzzetti di quartiere.
Ma fu sinceramente meglio così.
Abbandonai la chiesa di Piazza del Popolo per sempre (no dai, non proprio per sempre) e per un po' non cercai più fama.

Sono ricaduta nel circolo della fame di like negli ultimi mesi.
Non è stato bello, ero sempre a mettere in wishlist cose di tendenza, avevo aperto due blog con articoli che facevano molto ridere per quanto stereotipati, fatti palesemente per fare ""views""
Insomma, quando mancano i soldi e mancano davvero, faresti di tutto per guadagnare.
E la prima cosa che ho visto, è stato youtube.
Essendo che non ho l'attrezzatura, mi sono buttata appunto su questi blog e...Male male.
Ti strasformi in un lupo famelico di numeri, vuoi fare alzare quei numeretti sempre di più, fino al punto in cui si trasformeranno in soldi.

Io che tanto ho sempre decantato di amare l'individualità, la creatività, mi ero ridotta a perdermi in un mare troppo profondo per me.

Non sono mai stata una persona che cattura l'attenzione, sono sempre stata molto silenziosa e anonima nell'aspetto e nella personalità. Ma non così. Non ho mai cercato di conformarmi in qualcosa che non appoggiavo.

E' un piccolo mondo, il nostro.
E' una piccola realtà, quella della creatività qui, in Italia.
Voglio fare quello che amo, che mi faccia guadagnare o diventare famosa non è più importante ormai.

Non abbiate MAI paura di essere voi stessi, anche se non sarete compresi, se vi tratteranno come spazzatura, se non crederanno mai in voi, anzi, fategli notare che si sbagliano. Metteteci tutti voi stessi e siate voi stessi.

Non perdete mai la voglia di lottare per i vostri sogni. Mai. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

That's NOT Amore: My point of view about Italy's jobs and families condition.

That's NOT Amore: My point of view about Italy's condition

Don't get me wrong: I love being Italian. But I feel like, this is not my place on earth anymore.
I was born in 1995, in a small city near Rome, called Tivoli, a place with beautiful art pieces, full of history. My mother always gave me all over herself to give us everything that she could afford, that's not much. But I don't want to pity myself, so let's go on.
I'm 21 now, a young adult, but I'm feeling like I'm still a child. NOTHING changed for me, since I was 15. Why? It's so damn difficult to live on your own in Italy. Having well paid job is a dream for everyone here and getting a house to yourself, where you can be on your own, is quite impossible. But many of us works everyday and everynight, suffering the lack of sleep and works many hours, for 12 or even 16 hours in a day, with a daily wage that is less than 20 euro. The houses price here are from 400 euro to 800 euro... (Of course also 1000€) Of couse, we also have BILLS and TAXES but they're so expensive and useless. For example, we pay a tax for TRASH service, that costs 90 euro per month. We could live a good life, if we had 1200€ at month. But we don't afford that much.
I'm 21 now, I'm not really working , I don't really have a job. I have to depends on my parents, that can't even to make ends meet. I'm 21 now, with no future, no hopes, no goals. I'm 21 now, I want to study so many things: I want to study hairstyling, Fashion design, makeup artist, guitarist all that things that here costs 4000 euro at year. We can't afford those 'expensive' schools.
But this isn't the only problem.
Italy is killing our creativity.
We can't have colorful hair or tattoos to get a job, we also have to be like everyone else, with our makeup always flawless in our fashion clothes. We can't live with our art.
I've really wanted to study fashion and maybe became a fashion stylist to change fashion and create something new, but I can't. You only survive if you do things like everyone do.
You should all reflect about this. We should change this together.

(Thank to Tiffany Cassano for helping me)


Friday, September 23, 2016

How I take care of my skin?


Hi! So today I want to talk about the products that I use in my skincare routine!

My skin is the only "flawless" thing that I have in my body, so I take extra-care of it.

Everyday Routine.

My routine is super simple, but effective, because you don't have to put too much on your skin, but only things that can help your skin.
I have a normal skin, not oily, maybe just a little dry, so I use things that hydrate my skin, making it soft and nourished. 
I split it in Morning and Night, even if the products are similar, and sometimes I use the same product for day & night.
The first thing that I use in the morning is the Innisfree Jeju volcanic pore cleansing foam.

It's very simple to use, you only have to rinse off your face with some water (I use warm water) and then put a little amount of it on your finger (You really need a little bit) and then massage it on you face until the texture became like a mask. Continue massage it adding just a tiny bit of water and then rinse it off! Always dry your face by pressing the towel on your face..
This product is one of my favorites because with the Jeju volcanic scoria it absorbs sebum and purifies your pores, deepcleaning your face and make it smooth 

Then, I use a moisturizer, choosing it by looking at my window.
If it's cold and windy I use the Eucerin ph5 skin protection cream because it contains dexpanthenol, that helps skin to regenerate and protects it. 
 If it's sunny and hot outside I use the Avon solutions balanced + matte with spf 15, that protect my skin from the UV and from the sun damage. Plus it keep it matte and hydrate all day! Perfect for the summer heat..
If the weather is normal but my face is super dry, I use the D CARE Beauty intensive face cream that is parabens free and oil free which is very good for your skin! It's super affordable (3,39 euro) and it keeps your face hydrate, elastic and protected all day long!


For the night, I try not to skip it, because I think is very relaxing taking care of your body before going to bed.
While sipping on a good tea or infuse, I always take off my makeup first with the Garnier Skin Naturals  Micellar water, that takes off even the Eyelash glue very easy.
Plus it is Parfume free, parabens free and ipoallergenic (tumbs up for natural!) and makes your face clean and super soft.

Then I continue the skincare in my vanity, using two products from Nature republic! If I'm particularly sleepy I use the Aloe Vera 92% soothing gel mist in the liquid form, otherwise, I use the Gel form! Both are helping my face so much, keeping my skin very soft and hydrate, plus the gel form can be use as a face mask if you use it a tiny bit more and keep it rest on your face for 15-20 minute.
Both are natural and the Aloe Vera is famouse for soothing your skin, so It's perfect to use after epilation (thing that I usually do at night)

Then I always apply a Toner, now I'm using the Emozionale Hydrate Toner, because is all natural ingredients, and I'm trying to use more natural things for my face (As I said before, I want to keep the skin of my face perfect) 
I only apply a Toner in the night, because I think that in the morning it can be just too much on my skin, so I prefer night to apply it.


One time at week I use that treatments that are intensive. 
I always start with a warm bath, to let my pores open and my skin breath.
Then I start with the Bottega Verde scrub mask with apricot, that exfoliate my skin deep.
I use this just one time at week because my skin isn't too oily and I don't really need to exfoliate too often

Then, I keep going with my saint graal, The BIOAQUA  "Black sucked out" which is a peel off mask that exterminate (??) your black heads. I bought it on aliexpress but you can find on ebay and amazon too. I extremely recommend it because it really do his work.

I always do a face mask. This is the nature republic Aloe Vera 92% (Yes they are Exo...) I prefer the sheet masks because are funny to wear and are very very good for your skin.

Friday, September 16, 2016

REVIEW TIME! Super Pinky Green from

Disclaimer: I'm not a sponsor, so I'm not going to receive any money from the company for this review.

Hi guys! Today I want to talk about contact lenses!

I'm myopic, so I have to wear my glasses everyday, every moment of my life.
In my life, I've been searching and searching for the perfect lenses, because my eyes are very sensitive and I can't wear every tipe of contact lenses.
So when I've found the site, I fell in love, totally.

I've tried many lenses from the site, but my favorite series is the "Super Pinky" one.

I've most every color of them, but for now, I'll just review the Green ones.


I'll start talking about the price, the shipment and all the information about those lenses!

The price is about $25,90 but they have many ways to make you save your money!
First of all, check always if there are events going on! (This time,for example, there was the 1+1 offer)
Then, you can find a lot of "discount codes" on the internet! There are a lot of girls and guys on instagram that have their own discount code, unfortunatelly I don't have one to give to you...


The shipping is WORLDWIDE!
The shipment price depends on your country, for Italy (my country) is:

-$ 6,00 on the first unit and then $ 1,00 for every subsequent unit for the Standard shipping (10-17 days)
-$ 13,90 for the Express Shipping (3-4 days) that is with the DHL courrier.

A big idea to save more money is.. Never buy your lenses alone! Tell your friends if they want some, because from a purchase of $ 100 the EXPRESS shipping is free! Cool, right?

They are extremelly fast to ship, I've ordered mine on saturday (saturday and sunday they don't send the packages) and on wednesday the lenses were in front of my eyes! Only 3 days!
Even if the lenses are all made in Korea, they ship from their warehouse in Malaysia.

Payment mode!

You can't use Paypal, but they accept Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners, and Discover cards.

(You can check the tutorial for knowing how to order just at the end of the Review)



You can find all this information on the site, but I've decided to write it on the review too!

-First of all, the lenses are yearly wear, that is a good thing! You can use for one year after you've opened it!
If you don't open them right away, they are usable until the expiration date in the bottle 

-The Material is the PolyHema, a polymer that forms a hydrogel in water (I'll link the wikipedia here)
-The base curve is 8,6 mm and the diameter is 14,8 (your eyes are usually 14-14,01)
-The water content is 45% 
-This lenses are only plano and for myopia.

So now, Let's talk about my experience!

I'm a cosplayer and I use lenses like this in my everyday life.
When you're a cosplayer, you use to wear lenses for almost 12 hours (That shouldn't been done) and sometimes your eyes turns red, irritated and very tired.. but, with this lenses, at the end of the day, my eyes feels only a bit tired.

They are super comfy, and so natural that you can wear them in the everyday life without looking weird.
They are 14,8 mm so they gives your eyes a perfect dolly look, without been extremelly fake (that's the thing that I love about this lenses.

I suggest to use this lenses if you want to look like a doll but without looking a fake one.. You know what I mean?

Pic review! 

This is my natural eye colour! No modification as you can see.

With natural light, one eye with, one eye without.

with natural light

with flash

So what are you waiting for? Try them and the other colors on !


First of all, this is the main page.

Now you should open this little quick menu, and click on the sign up 

Just fill the form.

Now,just click on your lenses, in this case, I used Super Pinky Green as example, but you can click whatever you want, it's easy to find the pair that you like!

Thank you for reading all my review! Hope you liked it! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

CH 1: Cosplay Adventure


The first thing that I want to talk about is... Cosplay.
I'm not doing it so often, because is way too expensive, but back in the day I've used to do so many cosplay, so often, that since 2010 I've did 100 cosplay or maybe more.
I visited so many places all around Italy, because of cosplay and made so many friends.

I started in 2010, it was a sunny summer, and I started because I was (and I am still) obsessed with Fullmetal Alchemist,
My first cosplay was May Chang, and I was so happy to become her for one day. It was different from now, we were all young, happy and no one ever start a flame or something.
I kinda miss the old days (nostalgic theme)
I think that is an experience that changed me.

I think, I am still a very lonely person, but back then cosplay helped me to find new friends, because I was even lonelier.

I became more open, because, you know, the cosplay community is full of all kind of people, every nationality, every sex orientation, every disabilitation.
I've met some of my closest friends thanks to cosplay and I'm a bit sad that I had to leave this world.
But, you know, I'm not rich, so I can't spend all of my money in cosplay.

But I was happy.
Every piece of my heart was happy back then. 
Now I'm not sad or anything, but I was really happy.
I've started cosplay the first year of High School, it was an hard year, I was out of control, I was flunk and my grandma passed away.
But, my friends was with me and they start this journey with me, even if now we've been taking different streets, I will always thank them.

So, let's talk about something happier.
After 4 year spending a lot of money on the internet buying cosplay, I decided to start sewing them. I'm still terrible at that (Maybe I'll post the cosplay that I'm sewing for my next con) but I kinda love doing that...
Making the wigs, the accessories, all that stuff really makes me happy.
Even now, that I'm doing only 2 cosplay in a year, I'm so excited!

I think it's a wonderfull chance to explore new worlds and fall in love with thing that now are forgotten by the youth community.
Personally, I fell in love with the art of sewing, you can create something unique with fabric, you can made a beautiful costume with your own hands, and that's beautiful.
When my mum came home with my sewing machine, I was so happy that I was close to crying my eyes out! As I said, we're not a rich family, we can't afford the majority of thing that people have, but my mum save all the money she can, and buy me a cheap sewing machine, but it was my chance to express myself, and I was so happy.

I'll never forget what cosplay gave to me, never ever...

Friday, September 2, 2016

Who am I?


          I want to make it simple, so I'm going to talk in english!


So, HI THERE to everyone who's reading my blog.

I'm Eleonora a.k.a. Kuroi Chang, I'm 21 years old and I'm not new to this kind of things.
I owned two fail blog, but now I think I'll open a blog that I will really enjoy writing.

First of all

I'm from Italy, english is not my first language, but I'm improving, so, sorry for any mistake!
I'm going to talk about a looot of things, but mostly about fashion, makeup, travels, diy, reviews and sometimes, cosplay!

(campo de' fiori, Roma)

As I said before, I live in a smaaall smaaall city near Rome, ; It's not so beautiful as the many enchanting cities near here,but I managed to live here.

My biggest dream, from 10 years now, was and is moving to Tokyo, Japan. I had so many passions that expired from years to years, but my love for Japan was always the same after all this years.
Sometimes, I've thinked about going in other cities like Seoul, but then realize that Tokyo had my heart and will keep it forever.

My second dream is doing what I like the most, but I like so many things that is hard to focus only in one: I love fashion and sewing, I love makeup and I love just taking good care of me. I love cheap shopping, photography, music, and exploring places.

(Princess bubblegum from Adventure Time)

From Times to times, I love to dress myself as manga, videogames and cartoons characters
This is an old hobby of mine, now I'm not used to do it often, because of many reasons, but I really enjoy it.

I have so many interest and that's why my blog will be multitasking (??) 

So I hope everyone will like this little big blog of a little big girl <3